League Monthly Membership Meeting
Regular monthly membership meeting.
Currently meeting on Zoom - email monroeleaguesecretary@gmail.com for details
Regular monthly membership meeting.
Currently meeting on Zoom - email monroeleaguesecretary@gmail.com for details
Regular monthly membership meeting.
Currently meeting on Zoom - email monroeleaguesecretary@gmail.com for details
Regular monthly membership meeting.
Currently meeting on Zoom - email monroeleaguesecretary@gmail.com for details
Regular monthly membership meeting.
Currently meeting on Zoom - email monroeleaguesecretary@gmail.com for details
Regular monthly membership meeting.
Currently meeting on Zoom - email monroeleaguesecretary@gmail.com for details
League of Women Voters of Monroe County, PA Annual Meeting
At Sycamore Grille, in Delaware Water Gap
5:00pm - Gather and Dinner (order from menu - separate checks)
6:15 Meeting & Guest Speaker: Christa Caceres, NAACP Monroe President
6:45 Honors and Celebration for retiring President of the League, Barbara Keiser
RSVP to Barbara Hill: bjmr@bjmrhill.com or 917-319-1384
Learn about the different ways one can vote, how to obtain and fill out a mail-in ballot, how to use Vote411.org to learn about the candidates on the ballot, and much more!
Full membership meetings are held on the the fourth Wednesday of the month. Currently, due to Covid-19 risks we are meeting via Zoom. Please email monroeleaguesecretary@gmail.com for meeting information and Zoom link.
Full membership meetings are held on the the fourth Wednesday of the month. Currently, due to Covid-19 risks we are meeting via Zoom. Please email monroeleaguesecretary@gmail.com for meeting information and Zoom link.
Full membership meetings are held on the the fourth Wednesday of the month. Currently, due to Covid-19 risks we are meeting via Zoom. Please email monroeleaguesecretary@gmail.com for meeting information and Zoom link.
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
7:00 PM 8:00 PM
League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania Citizen Education Fund
Join the League of Women Voters PA for an informational meeting on zoom to discuss the new DEP Environmental Justice Public Participation Policy. Justin Dula, The Eastern Regional Coordinator of the Office of Environmental Justice will give an overview of the revised policy. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions. We will also discuss the policy within the DEI lens.
Environmental Justice communities are defined as communities where 20 percent of residents live below the federal poverty line and/or 30 percent are non-white minorities. The EJ Public Participation Policy sets guidelines for permit application reviews in these areas. The policy was created to increase engagement in EJ Areas and ensure community members have the opportunity to participate and be involved in decision-making during the permitting process involving their neighborhoods or when existing facilities expand their operations in EJ Areas.
Register to attend here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYrc-qrrjMoG9C0WoEjx6Z1hOKr65DW29Wv
Full membership meetings are held on the the fourth Wednesday of the month. Currently, due to Covid-19 risks we are meeting via Zoom. Please email monroeleaguesecretary@gmail.com for meeting information and Zoom link.
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
7:00 PM 8:00 PM
League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania Citizen Education Fund
There are a number of bills pending in the current PA legislative session which threaten the independence of the judiciary. Join PMC and the LWV of Greater Pittsburgh for a discussion about these threats, and how concerned Pennsylvanians can take action to defend judicial independence.
Hon. Robert L. Byer
Former Judge, PA Commonwealth Court & PA Court of Judicial Discipline
Partner, Duane Morris LLP
Deborah R. Gross
President & CEO, Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts
Register to attend here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvdeCprz4jEtA1hvinUY01mHFIue-EnFXc
The monthly meeting of the full membership group.
Meets virtually for now. Contact League President for details.